Duluth Folk School, 1917 W Superior St, Duluth, MN
You don’t need to be vegan or vegetarian to enjoy this class. You just need to have a love of sampling desserts! In this class, you will learn about the unique properties of the eggs, lard and dairy products used in traditional pie baking, and the substitutes vegan bakers have discovered to make delicious pies! (For example, did you know the liquid from a can of garbanzo beans makes a delightful meringue?). You will also learn the rules of the Plant Pie! Vegan Pie Contest, and how to fairly judge a variety of different pies against each other. During your judge training the concepts of mindful eating, with the objective to slow down and really enjoy your food, will be reviewed and implemented while we sample a variety of different and delicious vegan pies.
Certified judges not only have bragging rights, but are then eligible to judge the Plant Pie! Vegan Pie Contest held October 11th, 2025. (Note- you don’t have to be available to judge the contest if you don't want to or aren't available. You can sign up to just attend the judging class). The Plant Pie! Vegan Pie Contest has two categories: “Decadent” and “Close to the Plant”. These two distinct categories allow bakers to flex different skills. In the “Decadent” category, the goal is to make the pie taste and look the most like a “traditional pie” as one can. In the “Close to the Plant” category, bakers are invited to go off-script to make a delicious pie using the most natural and unprocessed ingredients they can.
Add this unique certification to your resume and try something new by taking the Vegan Pie Judging class!
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